Fashion Black

We are inspired by using technological innovation in digital trading and making investment in new technologies in computational finance and marketing. It includes a variety of products, applications, processes and business models that have transformed the traditional way of providing cutting edge digital marketing and e-commerce services. We now interact with our suppliers and customers using mobile technology. We make payments, transfer money and make investments using a variety of new tools that were not there few years ago. Artificial intelligence, social networks, machine learning, mobile applications, distributed ledger technology, cloud computing and big data analytics have given rise to our new services and business models. We aim to provide world-class digital trading solutions to customers all over the world.

Fashion Black Limited ¦ Company Registration No. 597305.

Nesta Business Centre, 1-3 Burton Hall Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18.

Copyright © 2017-2021  Fashion Black Ltd. All rights reserved.